How to add Datetime-local Field in Elementor Form
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You can easily add a Datetime-local field inside your Elementor Pro form. Please just follow these steps:
Firstly, make sure you have "Turned on" the Datetime-local Field in the WordPress Admin Panel > Elementor > Advanced Fields > Form Elements Tab.
Search "Form" inside the Elementor widgets section.
It will create a form with the default three fields.
Select "Datetime-local" field type.
Required: Makes the input mandatory.
Placeholder: Text displayed in the input field before the user enters any value.
Min. Date: Use this to restrict users from selecting a date before a specified limit, such as the current day or a project start date.
Max. Date: Use this to limit the range of dates, like setting a deadline or project end date.
Native HTML5: Enables the browser's native date-time picker for the input field.
Time 24hr: Displays the time picker in a 24-hour format (e.g., 14:30 instead of 2:30 PM).
Now click on the "Advanced" tab.
Default Value: It lets you choose the default value of the Datetime-local field.