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Last updated
Base Currency Code
Type your three letter currency code to which you want to currency be converted.
Rate Precision
You can specify the number of decimals for the rate: from 2 to 6.
Include Currencies
You can specify a list of currency codes to include, otherwise all currencies will be displayed.
Cache Time
You can specify the cache time of results in minutes. The default value is 60 minutes.
Calculation Mode
Select the calculation trigger mode.
Output Decimal Digits
You can specify the output decimal digits.
Default Currency Selected
Turn on or off the option for default currency.
Default Currency Selected From
You can define default from currency code here.
Default Currency Selected To
You can set default currency code.
Input Default Value
Set the default value for input field.
Show Currency Flag
Show/Hide the currency flag.
Show Title Currency Code
Show/Hide the title currency code.
Show Title Currency Name
Show/Hide the title currency name.
Show Title Currency Symbol
Show/Hide the title currency symbol.
Show Dropdown Item Currency Code
Show/Hide the dropdown item currency code.
Show Dropdown Item Currency Name
Show/Hide the dropdown item currency name.
Show Dropdown Item Currency Symbol
Show/Hide the dropdown item currency symbol.
Show Currency Input Label
Show/Hide the currency input label.
Currency Input Label
Type text to show as currency input label.
Show Dropdown Labels
Show/Hide the dropdown label.
"From" Dropdown Label Text
Type text to show as "From" dropdown label text.
"To" Dropdown Label Text
Type text to show as "To" dropdown label text.
Show Output Label
Show/Hide the output label.
Output Label
Type text to show as output label.
Show Base Currency
Show/Hide the base currency element.
Before Base Currency Text
Type text to show as before base currency text
Search Placeholder
Type text to show as search placeholder.
Search No Results
Type text to show as search no results
Button Text
Type text to show in button.
Swap Button Icon
Choose an icon to display as swap button.
Expand Icon
Choose an icon to display as expand icon.
Collapse Icon
Choose an icon to display as collapse icon.
Some custom SVG icons available in main directory